Stronger. Together.
The Nuclear Medicine Europe membership includes all the major nuclear medicine tracer companies as well as the equipment manufacturers, reactor operators, transporters and start-ups Admission of new Members shall be by resolution of the Members of the Grouping following Article 11 (xi) (e) from Nuclear Medicine Europe statutes.
Every member shall be a company or firm within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty of Rome, and shall be active in the field of Medical Imaging and/or Nuclear Medicine. A company cannot be a member if it has an interest of 50 % or more in the capital of another member company or if its capital is owned at the rate of 50 % or more by another member company.
If you are interested in joining the Nuclear Medicine Europe membership, please contact us directly :
- Tel: +32 2 535 89 45
Full member
A company active in nuclear medicine with its headquarters (or official representation) in the European Union.
It is a part of the General Assembly of the Association and holds the sovereign right to vote on decisions.
Associate partner
A company active in nuclear medicine located outside the European territory.
It does not possess voting rights but participates in working groups and is invited as an “observer” to general assemblies.
Associate partner – Start-up
A company active in the field of nuclear medicine that has been in existence for less than 3 years. It holds the rights and obligations of an associate partner during its start-up status. After three years of participation under this status in the association, it can attain “full member” status upon unanimous approval from the General Assembly if located within the EU, or “associate partner” status if residing outside the EU territory.
Reactor operator
Same status as Associate partner.
The approval of associate partners and start-ups rests solely with the executive committee and does not necessitate the agreement of the General Assembly.
“Nuclear Medicine Europe” – “NMEU” European Economic Interest Grouping(EEIG)
Avenue Louise 65, box 11 – 1050 Brussels (Belgium) Registration number:0443.242.686
Coordinated version after GA of 25th June 2021
The term “Nuclear Medicine” shall mean medical activity using radioactive substances and/or related compounds. The term “Medical Imaging” shall mean medical activity aiming at the identification of anatomic and / or functional structures.
The term “Regulation” shall mean Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2137/85 of July 25, 1985 on the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG).
The term “Grouping” shall mean “Nuclear Medicine Europe” (“NM-EU”) EEIG. (GA 22.05.2019)
Download the complete statutes of Nuclear Medicine Europe
Download the code of ethics and business conduct

Johnson & Johnson - Innovative Medicine


Studiecentrum voor kernenergie / Centre d’étude de l’Énergie Nucléaire